Saturday, November 03, 2012

How to read Amazon Kindle ebook on PC

Here are some simple steps to read Amazon Kindle ebooks on personal computer.

1. Create an account in, with your email ID and amazon password.
2. Download kindle for PC (or smart phone or tablet etc) from the link mentioned here. This is a FREE application.
3. Install the downloaded application in your system
4. Then launch 'Kindle for PC application' by double clicking the below icon in your desktop

5. It will prompt you to enter your amazon user ID and password to register your Kindle for PC application. Once this is done, your application is synchronized with your amazon account.

6. Now log in to your account and buy the book you want to.
7. Make the payment with the credit/debit card.
8. Then go to 'Manage your Kindle' page as shown below.

9. The book you have purchased appears here.
10. Click on the action button and choose 'Deliver to my ...' option.

11. Choose 'Your Kindle for PC' and then press 'Deliver' button.
12. Then the book is all set to appear in your Kindle for PC. If it is not appearing, use the refresh button shown inside while marking in the below image.



perumal karur said...

இதற்கு பெயர்தான் வாழைப் பழத்தை உறித்தே கொடுப்பது ..

நானெல்லாம் வாழைப்பழ சோம்பேறியே தான் :D

Anonymous said...

Am unable to buy your book on Amazon. Do you have a pdf version of it?